Current Visitors can now apply for Work Permit from within Canada
If you are already here inside Canada as a Visitor or you changed your status to a Visitor before August 24th, 2020 you may now apply for a Work Permit from within Canada.
The government of Canada understands the hardship faced by local employers and foreign nationals inside Canada who are either not able to leave or find a job. To help alleviate job shortages that employers are facing, Visitors can now apply for a Work Permit as long as you have a valid Job Offer with a Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA) or LMIA Exempt submitted before March 31, 2021.
Before if you wanted to apply for a Work Permit you had to do so outside of Canada but due to the current Covid-19 situation you may now apply from inside Canada if you have Visitor status. If you or a family member or friend require assistance with their status please send us an email to see how we can help.