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New Caregiver Pilot Programs to replace the current confusing Caregiver pilot programs which are set

Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada is implementing two new pilot programs for Caregivers to replace the expiring pilot programs for Caregivers, which were mostly received as confusing to apply to and ineffective for Caregivers to apply for permanent residence. The existing pilot programs had been in place since 2014 and is set to expire this coming November 2019.

The new two pilot Caregiver programs will include Occupation specific work permits and the ability to change employers when necessary and to offer open work permits and study permits for accompanying dependents.

The basic requirements remain similar in which the Caregiver is required to have 2 years work experience in this occupation in Canada before they can apply for permanent residence. The new updated procedure will include an assessment of the caregiver first before she comes to Canada.

There is also an interim program being launched that will open this March 2019 to June 2019 to allow for current Caregivers in Canada that are already working in this field but do not qualify under the existing pilot programs and this will provide an opportunity for them to stay in Canada permanently.

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